Photoshoot in Phoenix

image1139208888.jpgWent to do a test shoot in Phoenix to try out some ideas that wanted out. I worked Jodi Carey (Makeup), Shannon Campbell (Wardrobe) and Daniela Lazar (Model from Ford). We shoot at a great location in Glendale called An Art Affair which was designed by Will Bruder, its one of those locations that for some strange reason hasnt been discovered and shot to death. Many thanks to B Love for letting up use the location all day.

We shot five sets and everyone worked really hard, I love it when you do a test shoot and everyone treats it as if it’s a commercial shoot. Daniela is a great model. She was telling me she was heading to LA to looking to sign with an agency, cant wait to see what she’s up to in a company of years. I’ve never seen a wardrobe stylist bring so much clothing to a photoshoot that they had only 24 hours of notice of, truly amazing. I’m honored to have Jodi Carey as a friend as well as someone I get to work with. She really talented and super creative, plus doesnt mind telling me when I’m missing something or even if I’m flat out wrong. I realize this entry has become a cheerleading exercise but it truly was a fantastic experience working with everyone. So the least I could possibly do let everyone know how highly I recommend them all.

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